27 St John’s Lane

Daniel Watney financial statement analysis and valuation team were instructed by St John Ambulance to provide a valuation for financial accounting purposes.

The property comprises a mid-terraced building adjoining the Grade I Listed Museum of the Order of St John. It is arranged over basement, ground and four upper floors comprising retail, office and residential uses.

St John Ambulance
Office and Residential

Our Role

we undertook a full inspection including measurement survey.

Full due diligence and statutory enquiries relating to tenure, condition, environmental considerations, tenant covenant, rateable values and council tax liabilities, planning policy, health and safety and sustainability.

Comprehensive research and data checks to effectively analyse market conditions, trends and recent transactions in support of our valuation.


A full report was provided to the Client outlining our valuation approach and reasoning with key supporting information.


The property was valued on the basis of Fair Value in accordance with RICS Valuation – Global Standards incorporating the UK National Supplement and the IVSC International Valuation Standards (the ‘Red Book’) and UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and FRS 102.

As the property was owner occupied in part, we considered a range of different scenarios available to a potential investor, including potential refurbishment and extension of the property.